06 January 2013

Welcome Back....again

We are back hitting the books for the 3rd marking period.  Time is flying by.  It seems like just yesterday we began school and here we are over 1/2 way through the year.  As we begin the second half of the year, we have a full plate.  Not only will we continue on with our studies in all of our subjects, but we will also devote time to reviewing and preparing for the CRCT.  3rd grade is a gateway year and students MUST pass the CRCT to continue on to 4th grade.  We will also begin the mandatory 3rd grade writing assessment.  The first assessment, persuasive writing, will be on Thursday 10 January 2013. 

The third nine weeks finds our class reading Mr. Popper's Penguins, studying habitats and continuing with our GA Weekly Studies for Social Studies.  Additionally, students will begin working with area and perimeter, learning and using specific formulas.  Other topics in Math that they will learn about include fractions, liquid measurement, time/elapsed time, and geometry.  Finally, we will continue our study of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns as well as honing our writing skills.

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