24 October 2011

Red Ribbon Week

Monday began our Red Ribbon Week. Each class had to create a banner that centered on the theme for the week. This year's theme was "It's up to me to be drug free". After creating our banner, each student wrote about the importance of being drug free.

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21 October 2011

Preserving the Economy

As part of our Habitat study we have been learning how to preserve our economy. One way to do this and make a big impact is to recycle.
"Curby" and his friends from Fort Stewart came and visited FLE's 3rd grade. We learned all about recycling.

20 October 2011

ABC Awards

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03 October 2011

Differentiated Instruction

Instruction takes on many different faces. We are actively learning our multiplication tables. We play multiplication games with friends, we use multiplication websites, sometimes we work individually or in groups with Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Turner and sometimes we reinforce the old fashioned way with flashcards.

Habitat Dioramas

Each student chose a habitat for their final project in our Habitat Unit. They began working on their dioramas during our September paperless day. On this day, they chose their habitat and made several plants and animals from clay. These were then placed into their final project before presentation. Here are the students proudly presenting the final project.

26 September 2011


The month of September found us studying the word alertness. We learned that we need to be fully aware and attentive at all times. We need to be alert of our surroundings both in and out of school.

Why do you think that it is important to be alert and attentive in school?
What do you think would happen if you were not attentive when riding your bike or playing a game?

16 September 2011

Items from the Ocean

The students used their senses today while looking at different items that live in the ocean. I brought in three different types of sea sponges that my daughter and I found on Jekyll Island. I also brought in several different sizes of sand dollars and conch shells that we found. Mrs. Coley's intern also brought in several of the shells she has collected at Tybee Island. I "reconstituted" the sea sponges so that the students could see them in their natural state.

14 September 2011

Edible Habitats

On the second Wednesday of each month our school participates in paperless day. On this day we all participate in "hands-on" learning.
We have been studying the five different habitats of Georgia. For September's paperless day we decided to have the students create an edible habitat of their choice. They did an outstanding job!

07 September 2011

FSGA Visit

Today FSGA Forestry Division visited 3rd grade. They brought along some guests that we were all excited to meet. We had a great time learning about different habitats, adaptations, and meeting our new "friends".

29 August 2011


For the month of August we have been reading about and discussing consequences for our I Care program.
What do you think consequences are? Why do you think there are consequences for every action? Think back to the story we read on Friday, Midas and the Golden Touch...can consequences be positive and negative?

21 August 2011

I Care Program

The I Care program begins this week. The I Care program works jointly through home and school. During the month of August, the pillar word for the school is Citizenship. Citizenship is showing loyalty to the rights of others. In 3rd grade we will focus on the thought that every action has a consequence. We will learn about consequences and citizenship through reading and discussions. We will talk about the pillar word and the 3rd grade word throughout the week; however, I will devote specific time to this program each Friday.

Information has already been sent home regarding this program. You will continue to receive information monthly.

19 August 2011

So Long Friend

We were quite sad when we learned that our new student Eva was leaving us and moving to another county after being with us for only a week. Eva was a great addition to our class and we will miss her. We wish her good luck and great things as she joins her new class.

15 August 2011

Welcome To Our Class

We had a new student join our class this week. Eva arrived in our class on Tuesday. We are excited to have her and know that she will be a great addition to our class.

08 August 2011

Officer Buckle and Gloria

Our story this week revolves around safety. Why do you feel we need rules in school and home? How do you think things would be in our class or your home if we didn't have rules? Do

Ideals and Beliefs

In Social Studies class today we discussed ideals and beliefs. We talked about determination, caring, patriotism, diligence, honesty, and faith. We discussed how peoples ideals, beliefs, and feelings influence their decisions.
Please take a few moments to respond to the following questions:

1. Where do you think a person gets their ideas and beliefs?
2. What are some beliefs that are important to you and your family?

07 August 2011

Our First Day

Class Members

06 August 2011


Welcome back to school. We are off to a great start. The students were diligent in their work the first two days of school. We reviewed procedures, met with Mrs. Hellgren and Mrs. Gilliard, got to know and make new friends as well as see old friends.
I have spoken at length with the students regarding proper behavior, work ethics, organization, and their responsibilities. Please reiterate these at home.
We will begin our normal/regular schedule Monday morning, complete with homework!
I look forward to an exciting, fun-filled year of learning.

Class Schedule

15 April 2011

Testing Is Completed

We finished our CRCT this morning. I am very proud of each student. They worked hard on the test and tried their best. I received great reports concerning those students that left my room to test in different settings.

We will resume our normal schedule on Monday. Please note, we will have our Spelling and Reading tests on Thursday since we do not have school on Friday 22 April.

14 April 2011


David joined our class on Wednesday. David has come all the way from Delaware. What a week to join a new class. David had to jump in with both feet and take the CRCT.

We are glad that he has joined our group and look forward to getting to know him. I know he will fit in just fine.

26 March 2011

CRCT Review

CRCT review packets went home on Thursday. On Friday a grade-level letter was sent home with information regarding the packet as well as with username/password information for your child. These were for Study Island and OAS. I have 47 tests created for OAS. All subjects are represented with tests.
Whether your child completes the CRCT packet or not, please have them return the packet on Monday 4 April. We will use this information to review for the CRCT.
FLE is offering several incentives for students during CRCT week. If your child is present each day (on time for the testing) they will receive ice cream. If our whole class is present each day we will receive a popcorn/movie party. If every child in 3rd grade is present each day we will receive a pizza party in addition to the other incentives.
It is vital that your child be prepared and well rested for the testing each day. I know that they will do an OUTSTANDING job on the CRCT!
Have a great spring break.

26 February 2011

Knight at Dawn (predicting chapters 3-4)

Take a moment and answer the following questions about our class novel. I am looking forward to reading your answers. Please answer by Wednesday 2 March. To answer the questions, click on the comments link. You can then type in your answers.

1. Where do you think the children will go next?
2. The children hear a neighing sound and look out the tree house window. What do you think they see?
3. If you were able to visit any place in a story, where would you go?

The Knight At Dawn (chapters one and two)

We have now finished reading the first two chapters of our class novel. Please click on the link. This will take you to a test on the first two chapters. Please have this done by Friday 4 March. I will enter the test results into my grade book.


10 February 2011

Media Festival

Here is the media festival project our class put together. They did an outstanding job on the presentation. I am very proud of their final product.

17 January 2011


Due to the short week last week and this week, we will have the same Spelling words. We will continue with our Reading story from last week, Papa Tells Chita A Story. The Spelling and Reading tests will be on Friday 21 January.
We will finish our unit in measurement with our Time/Elapsed Time test on Friday.
Our next unit will be on Fractions and Decimals.

14 January 2011

GetThe Scoop On A Good Book

Our AR focus for this marking period is "getting the scoop" on a good book. Every time a student takes a test AND receives 100% on the quiz they will be given an ice cream scoop to place on the ice cream cone located outside our class. Our class is "churning" right along and we have added quite a few scoops. I know that they will exceed my wildest expectations just like they did with the popcorn challenge.
In addition to the ice cream scoops, students also get a sticker for making a 90%-100% on their AR tests. After they have received 14 stickers, they receive a candy bar of their choice. The first marking period, a few students worked towards this goal. The second marking period 18 of the 23 students in our class received at least one candy bar, with quite a few receiving 2 or more. I even had one student receive 4 candy bars....that is a whopping total of 56 books!
The more your child reads, the better the reader they become and the better their comprehension becomes.
Keep up the great work!!! I am so very proud of each student in my class.

09 January 2011


Due to impending weather conditions,
Liberty County Schools will be closed

Monday 10 January 2011.
Schools will reopen Tuesday 11 January 2011

Enjoy your day off!

08 January 2011

Hello and Good-bye

We would like to welcome Donald, Jeremiah and Jamaal to our class. We are excited to have them join us and know that they will find great friends and great success in our class.

We are sad to say good-bye to two of our classmates.....Teon and Donte. Even though they have left our class we are happy that they are still at FLE. They moved across the hall to Mrs. Vaeth's room.