17 January 2011


Due to the short week last week and this week, we will have the same Spelling words. We will continue with our Reading story from last week, Papa Tells Chita A Story. The Spelling and Reading tests will be on Friday 21 January.
We will finish our unit in measurement with our Time/Elapsed Time test on Friday.
Our next unit will be on Fractions and Decimals.

14 January 2011

GetThe Scoop On A Good Book

Our AR focus for this marking period is "getting the scoop" on a good book. Every time a student takes a test AND receives 100% on the quiz they will be given an ice cream scoop to place on the ice cream cone located outside our class. Our class is "churning" right along and we have added quite a few scoops. I know that they will exceed my wildest expectations just like they did with the popcorn challenge.
In addition to the ice cream scoops, students also get a sticker for making a 90%-100% on their AR tests. After they have received 14 stickers, they receive a candy bar of their choice. The first marking period, a few students worked towards this goal. The second marking period 18 of the 23 students in our class received at least one candy bar, with quite a few receiving 2 or more. I even had one student receive 4 candy bars....that is a whopping total of 56 books!
The more your child reads, the better the reader they become and the better their comprehension becomes.
Keep up the great work!!! I am so very proud of each student in my class.

09 January 2011


Due to impending weather conditions,
Liberty County Schools will be closed

Monday 10 January 2011.
Schools will reopen Tuesday 11 January 2011

Enjoy your day off!

08 January 2011

Hello and Good-bye

We would like to welcome Donald, Jeremiah and Jamaal to our class. We are excited to have them join us and know that they will find great friends and great success in our class.

We are sad to say good-bye to two of our classmates.....Teon and Donte. Even though they have left our class we are happy that they are still at FLE. They moved across the hall to Mrs. Vaeth's room.