19 December 2009

Area and Perimeter

We worked hard during the month of December learning about area and perimeter.  Not only did we learn the difference between the two, we also learned how to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle and square using area and perimeter formulas.
Here we are practicing finding area and perimeter during Math.



18 December 2009

Christmas Around the World/Holiday Party

Today was a busy day for 3rd grade.  We spent the morning learning about different Christmas/Holiday traditions from around the world.  Each teacher rotated through the 6 classrooms presenting a different holiday tradtion.  We learned about 3 Kings Day, St. Lucia Day, Ramadan, Kwanza, Hanukkah, American Christmas.  After our Christmas Around the World presentation our class had a special lunch (provided by Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Turner) of pizza, chips, clementines and fruit juice.  We then had a short period of indoor recess (due to the inclimate weather).  We topped off the day with a holiday party.  Many thanks to the parents that sent in goodies and brought goodies for the party.  We also enjoyed having our parents join us for the party.
Check out our pictures highlighting the day.

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13 December 2009

Wreaths and Writing

The students spent part of Friday afternoon making wreaths from wire and beads.  They added a green ribbon hanger and added a festive red ribbon bow to complete the project.   Upon completion of the wreaths, the students then wrote an informational  "how to" paper giving the supply list and specific directions on how to make a bead wreath.

Even Mrs. Howard gets into the project....

07 December 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Koria!  We hope your day is as special as you are!!

03 December 2009

3rd Grade Showcase

A hot pink flyer went home yesterday with your child regarding the 3rd Grade Showcase scheduled for Thursday 10 December.  This flyer needs to be filled out and returned as soon as possible.  Mr. Baggerly will begin "pulling" those students that are attending the program for practice beginning today (during our specials time).  If your child will be attending the showcase, please fill out and return the flyer as soon as possible...the sooner the better for this will make for a more productive and better rehearsal.
It is my hope that each student will participate in our 3rd Grade Showcase.  It will be a fun time had by all!

26 November 2009


In all of the excitement of Children's Book Week, I forgot to post a welcome to our new student V'Andre.  I am  sorry for this oversight.

V'Andre joined our class on Monday 16 November (the first day of CBW).  We are very glad to have him in our class.

21 November 2009

AR Points

Congratulations to our class.  Mrs. Howard and I are so very proud of each student in our class.  Our class worked very hard during Children's Book Week reading and taking AR tests.  We were given a goal of 48 AR points that as a class we had to reach.  In addition to the point goal we had to maintain a test average of 85%.  I am very proud to announce that not only did we reach our goal of 48 points, we surpassed it by a LARGE margin getting 82.3 AR points.  We also maintained an AR test average of 85.8%
We read and took tests on 172 books and passed a whopping 159 (with an 85% or better).  
For all of our hard work we, along with the other class winners at FLE, were rewarded with a popcorn and movie party Friday afternoon.
A fun time was had by all this week.

Hat Day

Hat Day rounded out Children's Book Week. 

Cammo Day

Look closely at the picture because you may not be able to see us.... ;)  It was Camouflage Day at FLE on Thursday.  This was another fun day in support of Children's Book Week.  

Check out Mrs. Howard.  She is ALL decked out in Cammo....from the top to bottom including her feet.  Check out those crocs!!!

Mrs. Turner was decked out in cammo also...so much so you can't see her!!!  Seriously, Mrs. Turner was dressed for cammo day, but she was behind the camera.

18 November 2009

Pajama Day

Today was readin', lockin day...We spent the entire day reading and being read to by guest readers.  Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Rowan and Mrs. Turner read favorite books to the class.  A Bradwell Institute football player and cheerleader also came to our class to read two stories.  After each book was read we took an AR test.  We are trying to reach a goal of 48 AR points with a test average of 85% by Friday.  If we reach our goal we will be able to participate in a popcorn and movie party Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Howard are confidant that we are able to do it!!

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17 November 2009

Tacky Day

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Balloons to Globes

Our class worked hard turning a balloon into a globe.  Students had to draw, cut and paste the continents, equator and prime meridian on to a balloon.  They then added the names of the oceans.  Before turning in for a performance grade, they checked for accuracy using a real globe.  I am very pleased with how well the student globes turned out.  Check out the pictures of our class hard at work.

12 November 2009

Guest Reader

Our class was thrilled to welcome A'miracle as a guest reader.  A'miracle read The Three Little Pigs and did an OUTSTANDING job!!!  A'miracle read the book with ease and ALOT of enthusiasm and emotion.   We can't wait for her to come back and read to us again.  Thanks A'miracle!

09 November 2009

Children's Book Week

National Children's Book Week is an age-old tradition. Celebrated since 1919, it is devoted to spreading the word about children's literature and encouraging the love of reading. Annually, the week before Thanksgiving, Liberty County Schools applaud books and reading by coming up with ideas to mark this special event.
Celebrating Book Week at Frank Long Elementary:
During Children’s Book Week, the top point earners for each grade with an 85% goal will have an extra special lunch with Mr. Carrier on Friday, December 4th
(There will be a minimum of 8 points required for this activity; kindergarten will need 1.5 points.) (as calculated by Accelerated Reader). And best of all, they will get to bring their teachers along!

Check back for updates regarding daily activities!!

06 November 2009

Veteran's Day

While most know that Veteran's Day honors those who have served in the military, the meaning behind its exact date (November 11) may not be so familiar. Here's the history:
Back in 1918, in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, a stop to hostilities was declared, ending World War I.   An armistice to cease the fighting on the Western Front was signed by the Allied powers and Germany.
President Woodrow Wilson immediately proclaimed the day "Armistice Day" kicking off the annual commemoration on November 11. But over the years, with veterans returning from World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day — a day reserved to honor veterans returning from all wars. But 11/11 still represented the end of the Great War in the public's mind, and the date stuck.
In 1921, unidentified dead from the war were buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., Westminster Abbey in London, and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The tradition to honor those killed in the war but never identified continues every year in the U.S. The ceremony is held at 11 a.m. at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetary..
Congress designated Veterans Day as a legal holiday in 1938.

04 November 2009

Young Authors Abound!

The students have been working very hard on our poetry unit.  We learned how to write Haiku, Tanka, Cinquain, Diamonte, Concrete and Bio poems.   We also used poetry to describe colors and our names using our senses.  Each student completed a student treasure book that has been turned in for printing.  This will be their very first published work.  I see a bright future for many of our students in the area of writing and hope that they will pursue writing as they become adults.
I can not wait for the books to come back.  I know that students are eagerly anticiptating their return.

02 November 2009


Our class bids a fond farewell to Kevion'ta.  Kevion'ta's last day was Friday.   He will be missed by all of his classmates.  We wish him well in his new school and hope that he visits often via our blog.

01 November 2009

JMT's Jaunts....

Today we find JMT at the following latitude and longitude.  Use the map to find JMT's location, then answer the following questions.
1.  What country is JMT in today?
2.  What continent is this country located?
3.  What hemisphere?

latitude 42°'N and longitude 011°E

31 October 2009

Where Oh Where is JMT?

Due to my being out of town the last few days, we are going to catch-up on JMT's travels.  Use the map to locate the threee places JMT has either been or is currently visiting (these are in no particular order)....

1. Latitude: 35° 57' 0 N, Longitude: 5° 35' 60 W

2. Latitude 41° 24' N, Longitude 2° 9' E

3. Latitude  43°46'N,  Longitude 7°23'E

25 October 2009

Where is JMT on 25 October?

Using the map provided and the coordinates 48°N, 0°E, answer the following questions.

1.  What country is JMT visiting today?
2.  What hemisphere is he in?

24 October 2009

Where is JMT today, 24 October

Use the latitude/longitude coordinates and map below to find JMT's location, then answer the questions below the map.

51°  N / 4° E

1.  What country is JMT visiting today?
2.  What continent is this country located in?



22 October 2009

We Love Salad!

After picking and cleaning our lettuce everyone ejoyed the fruits of our labor.  There are at least 35 third grade students at FLE who thoroughly enjoy romaine lettuce.  Check it out...

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Lettuce Make You Smile

Our class was invited by Mrs. Vaeth's class to join in the fun of harvesting the romaine lettuce crop in our own FLE garden.  A good time was had by all.

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21 October 2009

ABC Awards

Please join Mrs. Howard and I in congratulating the following students for their achievements during the first marking period.  These students worked very hard throughout the marking period and were honored at our first ABC award.  This award is given for academics, behavior and change.  We also had two students that made the Honor Roll the first marking period.  Congratulations!

Honor Roll:  Koria, Valeria

ABC Awards:
Academic:  Jada
Behavior:  Kayla, Breanna
Change:  Khalil

Where In The World Is JMT today?

This is the beginning of JMT's journey.
 1.  He left for his trip from the capital of our country.  Give me the name of the city, continent that it is located on and the hemisphere.

Remember lines of latitude run horizontal (parallel with the equator).  Lines of longitude run vertical (parallel to the Prime Meridian).  Remember for latitude the equator is zero and for longitude the Prime Meridian is zero.  Latitude lines are like the rungs of a ladder and are either North or South.  Longitude lines are long and run up and down, East and West

Using the map provided on the original post (click on it to enlarge)
2.  Give me the location where the latitude and longitude lines meet.  The coordinates are latitude 25 degrees North  and longitude 40 degrees West.
3.  Here are the coordinates of where he landed.  52 degrees N and 0 degrees W.  Name the country (and the city if you can).

18 October 2009

Geography Game---Where In The World Is JMT?

This is a map of the world that shows lines of latitude and longitude.  This map will help you as we reinforce map skills through our blog game "Where In The World Is JMT?"

For each set of latitude/longitude coordinates, you will tell us the country, continent or ocean where JMT can be found.  You will post your answers as a comment for each game entry.  (click on the map to enlarge).
I cannot wait to see where our game will take us as we follow JMT's path.

17 October 2009


Wednesday 21 October
Please call the school to request a conference time.

Remember this is an early dismissal day for students

Happy Birthday

Our class would like to wish Khalil a very happy birthday!  We hope your day is as special as you are!!

10 October 2009

Completed Habitat Dioramas

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Creating Powerpoints For Our Country Study

As part of our Social Studies curriculum, we study location and continents.  On 9-11 September we chose the continent and country we wanted to research.  We spent several days completing our research.   This past week each group put their research together in a powerpoint presentation.  Below is a postcard showing us hard at work. 

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02 October 2009

Creating Habitat Environments

Students were given a shoe box to use as the backdrop for their habitat.  They were limited by only their imagination.   The students diligently worked on drawing and painting the perfect scenery for the habitat they chose.