21 November 2009

AR Points

Congratulations to our class.  Mrs. Howard and I are so very proud of each student in our class.  Our class worked very hard during Children's Book Week reading and taking AR tests.  We were given a goal of 48 AR points that as a class we had to reach.  In addition to the point goal we had to maintain a test average of 85%.  I am very proud to announce that not only did we reach our goal of 48 points, we surpassed it by a LARGE margin getting 82.3 AR points.  We also maintained an AR test average of 85.8%
We read and took tests on 172 books and passed a whopping 159 (with an 85% or better).  
For all of our hard work we, along with the other class winners at FLE, were rewarded with a popcorn and movie party Friday afternoon.
A fun time was had by all this week.

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