18 December 2009

Christmas Around the World/Holiday Party

Today was a busy day for 3rd grade.  We spent the morning learning about different Christmas/Holiday traditions from around the world.  Each teacher rotated through the 6 classrooms presenting a different holiday tradtion.  We learned about 3 Kings Day, St. Lucia Day, Ramadan, Kwanza, Hanukkah, American Christmas.  After our Christmas Around the World presentation our class had a special lunch (provided by Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Turner) of pizza, chips, clementines and fruit juice.  We then had a short period of indoor recess (due to the inclimate weather).  We topped off the day with a holiday party.  Many thanks to the parents that sent in goodies and brought goodies for the party.  We also enjoyed having our parents join us for the party.
Check out our pictures highlighting the day.

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