23 August 2010


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20 August 2010

Yearbook Cover

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16 August 2010

Social Studies

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10 August 2010

School Daze....

The students hit the ground running. We are learning new routines and procedures. All in all it has been a busy few days in our class. The students are working hard daily. It is hard to put the summer vacation behind us, especially with the warm, beautiful weather....we have a few kinks to iron out, but I know that in no time every thing will be running like clock work. The students are doing their best to rise to the challenges that are being presented to them.
I know that we will have a fantastic year!

Our Class

Welcome to our class. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

01 August 2010

Welcome to SY10/11

Welcome to our class. I am very excited for the school year to begin. I am looking forward to leaping into the school year and I know that we will have a great time. Our adventure in third grade will begin in a few short days. Rest up and get prepared for a very challenging year!
See you soon.
Mrs. Turner