25 January 2010

So Long LeiLani

We would like to say good bye to our classmate LeiLani.  I know that you will make loads of new friends and have a great time and learning experience in your new school.  Keep studying hard!  We hope you visit our blog to keep up to date with your old friends.

24 January 2010

Thank You

Many thanks for the well wishes, support, emails and prayers for my family during this time.  I will be out this week also, but will be back on Monday 1 February 2010 with bells on! 
I miss each and every one of you very much.  Thank you for continuing to work hard and to the best of your abilities.
Mrs. Turner

16 January 2010

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be in school this week (18-22 January).  I know that the students will continue to work hard for Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Householder, and do their very best.  My thoughts are with each student as they work throughout the day.  Keep up the great work....use your time wisely.
Mrs. Turner

10 January 2010

Serengeti Research

The students spent Thursday researching the Serengeti.  They had an outline that they had to fill out as they found information.  Information was found both on the internet as well as watching two videos from United Streaming.  On Friday the students had to choose between making a poster or a power point presentation with their information.  Next week the students will give an oral presentation of their research.  The students did an outstanding job on their research and their projects.  We researched the Serengeti as a precursor to our story for this week which is based on an African fable.

06 January 2010


On Wednesday we had a new student join our class.  I know she will fit in with our group perfectly.